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Créditos: Duda Viana

Ana Rüsche
(São Paulo, Brazil, 1979)

She is a writer and researcher. A telepatia são os outros is her last book. She has four published poetry books. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies with the thesis “Utopia, feminism and resignation” (University of Sao Paulo, FFLCH-USP) and is currently conducting post-doctoral research on science fiction and climate crisis.

The Smuggler’s Mystery and other stories
The e-book presents three robot stories: “The Smuggler’s Mystery”, “Ardentium Fields”, and “Song to the Falling Star”, each featuring different robots—from the shy to the rebellious one. The stories introduce robots performing gender, escorting dangerous missions, working in customs at the far reaches of the universe, suffering under corrupt bosses and dreaming. From a Global South perspective and with touches of the New Weird, the Brazilian writer presents narratives that pay tribute to classic robot creations, such as Karel Čapek and Isaac Asimov, and take a fresh look at this iconic and mainstay element of international science fiction.
E-book: The Smuggler’s Mystery and other stories
By Ana Rüsche, translated by Iana A.
Cover by Stephanie Marino, publisher: Agência Magh

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Sci-Fi writer, winner for the Odisseia de Literatura Fantástica Award and a finalist of the Argos and Jabuti Award, best Genre Fiction category. Her narrative “Nina e l’uragano” (Nina and the Hurricane, “Nina e o furacão“) was included in the “Solarpunk: Come ho imparato ad amare il futuro” anthology, org. by Fabio Fernandes and Francesco Verso (Future Fiction, 2020).

Articles and essays about science fiction, utopia, ecology, literature written by women for Brazilian academic journals and specialized magazines such as O Estado de S. Paulo, Quatro Cinco Um, and Suplemento de Pernambuco. Publications list

Download the book Furiosa – a Nautical Chart and its Monsters,

Selected and translated by Maíra Mendes Galvão, and a preface by Caroline Micaelia. Self-published in New York, 2017.

Translator: from English and Spanish into Portuguese. Sonharão no jardim, a short story by Mexican Gabriela Damián Miravete, narrative winner of the Otherwise Award, formerly the James Tiptree Award (Mafagafo, Aves Migratórias 2, 2021); Blacksad – Amarillo, a graphic novel by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido (Sesi, 2018); the poem Invictus, by William Ernest Henley, for a commemorative edition (Barbatana, 2020).

Livro A telepatia sao os outros em pé, com o selinho de finalista jabuti no canto esquerdo inferior

A Telepatia são os outros

(Monomito, 2018)

The book is a winner of the Odisseia de Literatura Fantástica Award (best Short SF Fiction category) and finalist of the Jabuti Award (best Genre Fiction category) and the Argos Awards (given by the Brazilian Science Fiction Reader’s Club). “Ten Essential Books”, recommended by O Estado de S. Paulo, July 2019.

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